On January 12, 2001, Bungie Fanfest IV was held at the West Bay Conference Center in San Francisco. One of the organized activities was the Bungie Fan Trivia Contest. A prequiz was given to narrow down the competition, and three festgoers were chosen by Bungie (no, we don't have a copy of the prequiz). The rules were simple:
Sean "Soliptic" Phelps, Anton "SiliconDream" Mates, and Cam "Cunbelin" Pinard, fighting for the Trivia title
Questions were multiple choice, and contestants had 30 seconds to answer
Other contestants couldn't interrupt
Violence was not allowed
Each contestant had two (or was it three? Only Bungie knows for sure) 'lifelines' - they could ask the audience or Miguel "Freewill" Chavez for help (or...?)
Bungie was to be the final arbiter in the case of disputes
This last one turned out to be important - three (maybe 4) of the questions have no correct answer. We've selected the answers Bungie said were correct, however, and you'll have to live with that.)
Do you think you have what it takes? Well, show us, pal! Below you'll find the full Trivia Contest - contestants in San Francisco answered only nine questions each. See how you do with the full 27! No cheating, now...