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August-September 1999 Archived News

September 30,1999


You can lead a cowboy to dust, but you can't make him bite it. Not unless you have The Wild West plugin for Myth II:Soulblighter that is. Check out the glowing prerelease review posted today by "Inside Mac Games" and see for yourself why Myth gamers have been impatiently sitting on their tippy cheeks in rabid, frothing anticipation of this amazing Myth II PDCTATC (Pretty Damn Close To A Total Conversion). You can visit the home page of the The Wild West at "The Mill". The Wild West Plugin will be released on October 7th so keep yer eyes on the horizon pardner.


The Story page has some great news today conerning the "4" items currently in progress. Special thanks to Miguel.


Some pretty big news coming out of Bungie West. Make sure to check out the Oni site this morning.

More updates later on.
September 29,1999

Late Updates-7:19p.m.


Who was this visitor today? Perhaps you might still have the page cached? If you were visitor #77777 then make sure to mail us.


Some Next Generation screens have been scanned in. Special thanks to Clem Freeman for the scan. We also opened up a mirror today due to the heavy traffic that was experienced after the MacLedge article. Thanks to Iniside Mac Games and MacLedge for the PR.


On the Oni site today there is some very good fan art. A Konoko that was created using the very first Konoko image. It's worth a look especially for those out there that has been tracking Konoko from the very beginning.

The Oni forums are going strong. More posts now on a daily basis shows that Halo hasn't pushed Oni out of the "spotlight" .


Island four today all over the Marathon Story page. The extents that some are going to are incredible. Now it seems that maybe this term has been taken from the book Gulliver's Travel. Get on over there and check it out.


A Myth domain is up for grabs. The free for all last night was "wild" as told to me. I chose not to participate only for the reason of sheer numbers that would be logged on. The Myth site has all the particulars along with some new plugins.


Navigation at The Mill couldn't be easier these days. The new interface is now much more compact and the use of cookies makes this site one of the very best around.


Some breaking news over at (?) More screens have been sent in. I found these in my drop box on the bungie org hotline server. I need to make sure I credit them to whoever the kind soul was that put them there. They seem to be from The Next Generation Mag. Along with some very good art posted, the Halo site gets a bit of a face lift? Or maybe just some added page art.


We are now proud to announce another Hotline Server that is now online on the tracker Marathon is now up and running and serving nothing but Marathon files. Run by our good friend Rugger, (James Pillar), this hotline server is linked to our other server via a chat bot. So, if you need Marathon files or any of the other Bungie files, you can visit via the chat bot with everyone that are on both servers. Just another technological marvel in our continuing quest to "hord" everything Bungie! (just kidding!) And I really am just kidding.

Need Hotline? Go here.

Hotline Bungie org servers are on


New forums! As we prepare for October, which I truly believe will be a BIG Oni month, our Oni site is beginning to be rebuilt. This time though, it will be a work in progress and there will be no down time. So, as to the forums, if a link color or background color isn't quite right, be mindful that we are still "at work" on the site. Special thanks to the "Bungie Org Engineer" Claude Errera for his help on this.

More updates later today as this will prove to be a big day.......hmmmm...good thing the counter isn't noticed by anyone.
September 27,1999


The big news today is over at Halo at where Jon Chang was kind enough to scan in and submit 4 new screenshots from a Computer Gaming World article. Go look at 'em, and then join the lively discussion on the forums!


Hamish has a touching eulogy for George C. Scott (who died last week) on the Marathon's Story page.

Otherwise, a light day at but rest assured, we don't rest!

September 25,1999


Lots of good stuff today on, starting with an interview with Nathan Bitner. Find out more.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, it seems, for our beloved Mr. Bitner... And of course, you can visit the Halo site for more info.


... But it doesn't stop there! See where the buck stops on the Nathan Bitner story at the all-seeing Marathon's Story page! Lots of interesting speculation and fact about it all. Nathan's cover blown? Who is Island Four? Get the whole story.


Check out today's update to, and grab some info on the happenings of! Giveaways? Huh? What's going on?! Find out. ;-)

The results are in on the new navigation at The Mill. Looks like it's a better time than ever to be a registered Mill User! Head on over, and sign up! (Just remember to wipe your feet on the mat!)

September 24,1999


More evidence Halo on the Dreamcast isn't so unbelievable at today, courtesy of one Mr. Loren Petrich! And as always, there's action to be witnessed on the forums.


Looks like someone's been slipping more stuff into my coffee! There has been another error spotted over at the Marathon's Story page... They tell me it was another deliberate one, but I still think someone's pulling tricks on me. In the meantime, while I have my beverage tested by the scientists here at, you can sip on more pulling-apart of the Oni trailers, left and right!


Hey, what's this I spy? Why, it's Oni fan art, of course! Go have a looksie.

And, if you didn't catch it yesterday, the Oni page mentioned the update to, run by our good friend Alex over at Bungie Software.

The Mill

And now for something completely different! Monty Python fans should be sure to check out today's update to The Mill. Bring out your dead!

September 23,1999


The Halo site is a bit slow today. But, there is always action on the forums. I received email the other day asking about the news that I posted back in June concerning the Apple commercial. It seems that some have come to the conclusion that the commercial is the new G4 Tank Commercial that is currently running. What do you think? Let us know in the forums.


The The Marathon Story Page is a bit slim today. But never fear, more Marathon facts are still being "dug up". A great testament to the longevity of this timeless game.


Oni Central is getting ready to turn one year old. It was just a year ago this coming October that Oni Central opened. Make sure to check out the Oni site for some great give aways that will be coming very soon.


The The Myth site has been updated. You will have to dig a little bit to get to the latest news, but it is there. Not bad for being down to one Myth maintainer again.

This in from BUNGIE SOFTWARE. (who by the way we have NOTHING to do with. We are not BUNGIE.COM)

I know that I am little late with this, but I just received it this evening, and to hold true to our commitment, I am reposting it for your reading enjoyment. Some have speculated that this might, and I stress M I G H T, be a warmup to The best advice I can give is, if you have played Oni at MacWorld or E3, jump over to the forums and tell us what your opinion is concerning whether or not this game can be pumped across the net.

Dear Myth Community

We're conducting server load tests on rev.b this Tuesday, the 28th, at 10pm CST. In order to get the most people possible on the server (and to have some fun!) we'll be giving out random prizes and awards for the best joke, highest score, most games played, and more! For more info check the web page over the next few days.
Please help us spread the word about the rev-B-Day. Thanks! See you on!

September 22,1999


The Halo site again, has some new and very good artwork submitted. Some interesting news coming out of the Ringworld novel and how it might or might not pretain to Halo. Sometimes this sounds like a broken record, but the amount of Halo art is really nice to see. We appreciate your submissions. There is also some cool news about a new Halo mailing list.


The The Marathon Story Page is filled with Halo today. There are many Halo articles and submissions. The comparison as mentioned earlier of Ringworld gets straightened out once and for all.

The The Marathon Map of the Month page has two great maps for you to download. During the downtime this page was not updated for August. The first one is a great Tempus Irae map and the one from August is a very familiar map from Mike Trinder made for the Tempus Game. So make sure you have those Nardo files handy. If by chance you need to snag them you can either go to the Archives site or the Hotline Server. And while I am on the subject....

Everyone knows that the Nardo:Tempus Irae mapmaking contest is happening right now. To get more information concerning this contest, go here And if you want to look at the grand prize then make sure to follow this link..


The The Oni site has some new links. It seems that Oni sites are starting to pop up as we get closer to the release. Make sure to check out the links page along with some news concerning Oni items for sale.

September 21,1999


The Halo site has posted news on a new Halo site coming on line. These Halo sites are starting to popup everywhere. Make sure not to miss the forums. These are really starting to get interesting.


The The Marathon Story Page as always, has some interesting news from a last posting yesterday. I have always wanted to know what SC stood for. There also a very cool post from the maintainer of

The The Marathon Recruits page is still alive and kicking. As I spent some time this morning going through all of the pages here, I, for the first time came across some that I had not seen before. Make sure to take the time to visit the Marathon pages.


The The Oni forums are still kicking. Some new Oni sites to report along with some pretty cool insights. Our Oni page for the time being has a gremlin in it and is not allowing us to update. That should be fixed by later this morning. In the meantime, make sure to check out the forums.

September 20,1999


The Halo site has posted some interesting new Halo art. As mentioned on the site it seems interesting that so many are getting so involved. There has been speculation concerning this game and how it will might compare to other 3D shoooters. We can only speculate at this time, but, it is interesting to note. Most of these opinions are on the Halo boards so make sure to swing by.


OurMyth site should start to come back up today. Our maintainers have been taking some time off so hopefully you should see some changes. The Mill has posted some news concerning their polls and some news concerning some interesting plugins. It seems that ownership is a key factor now a days. We can only hope that this will pass by.


The The Marathon Story Page is now four years old. It sure doesn't seem that long ago that Hamish started this site of keeping with all things Marathon. Make sure to take a look at the original Story page and how it looked four years ago.

The The Marathon Archives keeps posting new files. We have noticed an influx of files on the Hotline Server but remember, this is the main web location for all files Marathon.


The The Oni forums has received some well thought out posts lately. It also appears that there are new posters so make sure to read what some are saying concerning Internet play and Levels.

September 18,1999


Some great updates on the Halo site. Along with some new "daily glances" the Halo site picks up on some new images.


Although the Myth site is updated for the weekend while our reporter takes a couple days vacation, but, make sure to check out the forums. The Mill is still going strong some make sure to check out the latest plugins.


The The Marathon Story Page has a lot of updates over the last two days. Everything from the winners of the Tug Of War trophy to Oni to Halo. Java code revealed from the Oni site? Take a look.

The The Marathon Archives has been upping new files. New maps and new utilities have been updated along with a few other odds and ends.


The The Oni site has some new news. Everyday we have been upping Bungie West cam shots. Everything from the styrofoam pile to Quinn Dunki. All of these shots can be found at the Bungie Org Hotline Server. There is news coming out of Gamespot again concerning Oni. Maybe old but some of it is new. Sorry, still no news on Internet play. : (

September 16,1999


An all call on the Halo forums this morning for all to join up with the Halo team. (SETI). Okay Mad Max, I will spread the word. More Paris info today. Make sure to stop by the forums, this talk about the Halo movie is really starting to heat up. Now, who started this rumour anyway?

Halo Movie Speak Your Mind!


New editors are out for Myth. Fixed some links on the Myth page and updating is now moving along. The Wild West seems to be attracting some people, the download count yesterday on the movie was staggering. Maybe I can get the creator to give me some more info on all this.

September 15,1999


The Oni Forums at Oni Central are now back online. Take the time to populate them with your ideas. The Oni site will be getting an overhaul very soon including the forum page, in the meantime make sure to get caught on the forums, and remember we archive everything!

New editors are out for Myth. The latest is posted today at the Myth site along with some links. I have been told that one of these new editors isn't quite ready for release, but you can still read the updates.


The Marathon Scenarios page has some great updates today. Enough scenario news to keep any Marathon addict happy! Be looking for the updated Marathon Hotline Server, it should be coming online soon!

The Marathon Story has some interesting news today concering the Paris MacWorld show. Seems there is a lot of Paris news today.


The Halo site also sports news about Paris along with some very good Forum posts today. Speculations still come out of everywhere concerning this game.
September 14,1999


Our Oni site has been up during this whole down time. But with all the DNS changes it seems that the reverse on Oni is now pointing back to the old IP. You can still get to it by accessing I apologize for this "blip" in our DNS server, but, by this time tomorrow evening should be back up and working.

When you do finally get to check out all the past news, make sure you take some time to take a look at the "Quinn" tribute. This was compiled during the down time. There are also some web updates and web reviews.


The Myth site has been updated along with the Mill. The Mill has worked out a few bugs that should help with some problems and the Myth site is just now getting back up to date.


The Marathon Scenarios page was updated during the downtime, I am not for sure if many were able to view the updates due to the DNS problems. There is some interesting news although it might be dated.

The Marathon Story page is being caught up. Seems as if Hamish took holiday right at the right time. There is an interesting update concerning a hidden Cortana file on the Myth 1 disc, (version 1.3).

note: I knew about this file on the Myth disc, but was waiting to get confirmation. During the downtime word got out and our good friend over at theCore picked up on it. If you haven't read it yet jump over the Story page or the Core.


The Halo site is back up and running. Some cool news concerning the new 3D cards was posted yesterday so make sure to get both days worth of news. Yes, the forums are back and being slammed more then ever. And before I get any more mail concerning the new forum server, it is called No, there isn't anything else there. (i.e. no movie)

September 13,1999

Sites Return

Special thanks to those that helped us get back up online. All of our sites now work and although some of them haven't been updated, you can at least access all of them.
September 8,1999

Bungie Org Moves

After six weeks, we now finally have a home. All sites except the Halo and the Mill will be going off line tonight so I can physically move the machines tomorrow to their new home.

We should be back tomorrow. The new IP's won't be resolving until probably very late ...but keep trying we will be here.

Thank you for staying with us during this time.

August 31,1999

Apple and Halo

The G4...Check it out!

August 30, 1999

Welcome Back!

of all special thanks to everyone during our down time. Although I will have to admit most of our email has been titled "Where is the Mill?", there has been some that has been directed to bungie org. We are glad everyone enjoys the Mill so much. Matter of fact, it was Randal Shaw that helped us get back up online as soon as we did. Special thanks to Fm once again.

A moment of truth here concerning Bungie Org. We would have probably been back up weeks ago if I would have gone ahead and decided to accept sponsors One of the finest qualities about this site is it's freedom of banners, advertisements and sponsor links. I have tried to keep Bungie Org very "clean" in this area and I know this is one of the reasons that we have the "family of sites" here. The individual maintainers really appreciate this and they are here partly because of it. I held fast to my convictions concerning this area and thus, the downtime took longer then expected.

Where are we now? Well, obviously not where we really wanted to be. Matter of fact, we are not quite through with our move yet. Some of the servers are on connections that are not "ideal" to bungie org standards and a few of them have yet to be moved. They will be moved soon and hopefully , this time , the move will go as we had originally planned. It should be seamless with just a minor amount of down time if any at all. I will be keeping you advised of when the last part of the move takes place.

If you would like more info on all this or, if you would like to help, email me.

Now on to the important news. By the way, if all our sites don't work for you yet, just be patient, they should very soon.


All the individual maintainers should be getting back to their sites very soon. The Story page is on holiday these two weeks, but the Scenario News and Recruits has been updated. They were updated right before we went down, so you should find some new news there.


Lots of updates here. A whole months worth. Make sure you jump over and catch up. Some new Oni news should be coming soon!


A new movie from Mac Observer. New images, new banners and a lot of posts on the Halo forums. Enough said, make sure to check it out.

The PC Paradox Vote poll now has Halo in first place. Not too bad. Special thanks to DraftShadow <>, for the update.


The Mill..what can I say. Just make sure to take a look.. Some cool new plug ins. Our Myth page should be caught back up very shortly.

August 28 1999

Well, if you are reading this, then you have found us again. After 16 days of being down, we have crawled our way back up on the internet. Let it be known though, that this is not the end of all this. We are still not finished with all the moving, but, for the time being we are up and working. Many thanks to Randal Shaw, Claude Errera, Gary Simmons and Hamish Sinclair. Their patience and help during this time was incredible. Thanks Guys!


The Mill should start resolving again very soon. If you can't find it right now, you will be able to shortly. Make sure to catch up on all the great things that has been going on.


The Story page is on vacation. But, the other pages should be accessible soon. They have been updated since this down time.


Updates every day. The Quinn series and some great info has been posted.


This site stayed up during the whole time. If you have missed the forums or any part of it, make sure to take some time to get caught up.

August 12 1999

Deja Vu Redux

Seems like the only updates we make these days are to let you know the site is back up again... hopefully, that sort of update is over and done with. (We're back up again.)

Bungie Sells 20% to Take Two!

Take-Two Interactive Sofware is buying almost 20% of Bungie! Take-Two gets a chunk of the hottest gaming company around... Bungie gets access to a serious distribution channel. Read about it here...


The Halo page has received yet another makeover... seems there's finally too much info for a single news page. Check it out, let us know how you like it! (There's an amazing amount of news for a game that's still quite a ways out... and this is our only site that didn't fall victim to our recent access problems.)


Brent Pease participated in an IMG online chat a couple of days ago... you'll find more info about what did (and didn't) get asked on our Oni page.


Wonder of wonders... new fodder for the Archives! Keep sendin' em in!

August 8 1999

It's Alive...

The is alive! (Well, duh, you're reading this...) We've found a temporary home in a small lemonade stand outside Steve's house, and although we're not firing on all cylinders, all websites are back up. (If you make new bookmarks, don't try to be tricky and look up the IP addresses, in case the nameservice goes down... cause the numbers are gonna change yet again in a little while.) Pages should be updated soon... In the meantime, enjoy what's here, and let us know if you find any problems! (Individual site maintainers have been locked out just like everyone else... so pages should be updated over the coming days.)

August 2 1999 back up!

Our downed machines (which included,, our forums,, and our hotline server, among other things) have all been up and running since 7:45 am cst... and running like crazy! Another few gigabytes, out into the ether... sorry for the delay. And thanks for coming back!


Halo at sports a new Theories page, containing readers' ideas about the halo world... take a look, and submit your own!

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