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For general Bungie.org questions, email info@bungie.org and we should have an answer for you shortly. News submissions for the front page should be sent to borgnews@bungie.org. However, if your question pertains to any of the various Bungie.org sites (Marathon, Myth, Halo, Oni, Pathways Into Darkness, or Bungie Sightings), your question can be more quickly answered by sending your email to one of the addresses below.

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Is one of the site links not working? When you go to a site forum, does the forum suddenly fail to recognize you? Perhaps you simply noticed a typo somewhere. In any case, your question may be one best taken to the maintainers of the site. Here is a list of contacts for each respective site:
General Site Questions myth@bungie.org
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The Big House bighouse@bungie.org
Marathon's Story Hamish Sinclair
Marathon Map of the Month motm@bungie.org
The Orphanage orphanage@bungie.org
Marathon Vidmaster Challenge Hamish Sinclair
Orbital Arm orbitalarm@bungie.org
Marathon Spoiler Guide spoiler@bungie.org
Marathon: Open Source source@bungie.org
Pathways Into Darkness
Submit News, Site Questions Hamish Sinclair
Bungie Sightings
Submit News, Site Questions bs@bungie.org